| V.3: I've added escapeshellcmd to all user input that shows up directly in exec() */ switch ($_REQUEST['output']) { case "PostScript": $output=escapeshellcmd("-p $_REQUEST[paper]"); break; case "PDF": $output=escapeshellcmd("-a $_REQUEST[paper]"); $pdf=1; break; case "InLine": $output="-t"; break; } if (isset($_FILES['userfile']['name'])) { $uploaddir = '/tmp/'; $uploadfile = $uploaddir . $_FILES['userfile']['name']; $userfile = $_FILES['userfile']['name']; if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'],$uploadfile)) { $delims="."; if (strstr($output,"-p")) { $psfile=strtok($userfile,$delims).".ps"; header("Content-Type: Application/PostScript"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=".$psfile); $file=escapeshellcmd($uploadfile); $command="antiword $output $file"; passthru($command); unlink($uploadfile); } elseif (strstr($output,"-a")) { $psfile=strtok($userfile,$delims).".pdf"; header("Content-Type: Application/PDF"); // header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=".$psfile); // $command="antiword $output $uploadfile"; $file=escapeshellcmd($uploadfile); $command="antiword $output $file"; passthru($command); unlink($uploadfile); } else { echo "
      $command="antiword $output $file";
      //      echo $command;
      //      $command="antiword $output $uploadfile";
  elseif (isset($_REQUEST['url'])) {
    echo $command;
    exec("wget -O /tmp/$docfile $url");
    if (strstr($output,"-p")) {
      $command="antiword $output /tmp/$safe";
      header("Content-Type: Application/PostScript");
      header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=".$psfile);
      @@      unlink("/tmp/$docfile");
    } elseif (strstr($output,"-a")) {
      $command="antiword $output /tmp/$safe";
      header("Content-Type: Application/PDF");
      header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=".$psfile);
@@      unlink("/tmp/$docfile");
    } else {
      echo "
      $command="antiword $output /tmp/$safe";
@@      unlink("/tmp/$docfile");
if (!isset($_FILES['userfile']['name'])) {

This script converts a word file (most versions supported) into a pure ASCII, a PDF or a PostScript version. Currently, only PostScript and PDF carry images, and those images might be distorted or such. It's based on the nice program antiword. see antiword.cjb.net for more information about antiword. Currently, max file size is 3MiB for the upload. This should be enough!

Currently, I tend to end up with the ascii version being 1/100th of the word document, and the pdf/ps versions being 1/10th of the size. So if you're gonna send me a word document, rethink that. I'll not read it. I'll read ascii, and probably pdf/ps too.


Send this file:


This is running antiword 0.36.
Please drop me a note at antiword (at) bitsex.net if you have comments for this.

(C)Vidar Løkken 2005 |