#!/bin/bash #!/bin/sh # # Script to make drag and drop in KDE possible #set -x # if [ $# -lt 2 ] then exit 0 fi # Determine the temp directory if [ -d "$TMPDIR" ] && [ -w "$TMPDIR" ] then tmp_dir=$TMPDIR elif [ -d "$TEMP" ] && [ -w "$TEMP" ] then tmp_dir=$TEMP else tmp_dir="/tmp" fi # Try to create the temp files in a secure way if [ -x /bin/tempfile ] then out_file=`/bin/tempfile -d "$tmp_dir" -p antiword -s ".ps"` || exit 1 err_file=`/bin/tempfile -d "$tmp_dir" -p antiword -s ".err"` if [ $? -ne 0 ] then rm -f "$out_file" exit 1 fi elif [ -x /bin/mktemp ] then out_file=`/bin/mktemp -q -p "$tmp_dir" antiword.ps.XXXXXXXXX` || exit 1 err_file=`/bin/mktemp -q -p "$tmp_dir" antiword.err.XXXXXXXXX` if [ $? -ne 0 ] then rm -f "$out_file" exit 1 fi else # Creating the temp files in an un-secure way out_file=$tmp_dir"/antiword.$$.ps" err_file=$tmp_dir"/antiword.$$.err" fi # Determine the paper size paper_size=$1 shift # Make the PostScript file antiword -p $paper_size -i 0 "$@" 2>"$err_file" >"$out_file" if [ $? -ne 0 ] then # Something went wrong if [ -r "$err_file" ] && [ -s "$err_file" ] then konsole --caption "Error from Antword" -e less "$err_file" fi # Clean up rm -f "$out_file" "$err_file" exit 1 fi # Show the PostScript file gv "$out_file" -nocentre -media $paper_size # Clean up rm -f "$out_file" "$err_file" exit 0