Changes in version 1.19: Reading a non-existent file with commands 'e' or 'E' did set the 'modified' flag, which prevented a following 'e' command from succeeding. (Reported by Harry Graf). The long name of option '-s' has been changed to '--script'. Option '-s' now only suppresses byte counts and the '!' prompt as mandated by POSIX. It no longer suppresses diagnostic messages written to stderr. (Both changes suggested by Andrew L. Moore). The short name '-q' has been assigned to options '--quiet' and '--silent'. Option '-q' now only suppresses diagnostic messages written to stderr. The help message showing the line where a script error happened when ed's input is from a regular file is now printed to stdout instead of stderr because it is enabled by the 'H' command. Ed no longer processes file names for backslash escapes. (Suggested by Andrew L. Moore). It has been documented in the manual that address 0 is valid as a starting point for searches so that '0;/RE/' can match the regular expression RE in the first line of the buffer. It has been documented in the manual how to achieve the effect of ex style '!' filtering with a sequence of commands.