CHECKLIST FOR NEW RELEASES ========================== Release steps: - Check out lm-sensors - Update if necessary, the version number of libsensors (edit lib/ and change LIBMAINVER and/or LIBMINORVER) Remember: update main number when interface changes, minor if new functionality is added, and patch if only bugs are fixed. - Update the CHANGES file (set version and release date) - Update doc/developers/lm_sensors.lsm (Version, Entered-date and Primary-site) - Update doc/libsensors-API.txt and SENSORS_API_VERSION in lib/sensors.h - grep for LM_VERSION and update values of the constants - Commit - Tag the release using git: git tag V3-x-x git push origin V3-x-x After release, remember to: - Update the Download page on - use a URL in the following format: - Add a news item to - Announce on the lm-sensors mailing list - grep for LM_VERSION and add "+git" to the values of the constants - Commit - Send lm_sensors.lsm to the LSM by mailing it to with the subject `add' (no quotes)