miquels, 25-Oct-1994: Merged the patches with my minicom version. The original README below from the author of the patches is still valid except that - your menu's may look a bit different - no bugs in ^control handling - File mode of macro's dir is set to 0600 when created - If file does not start with '/' it's assumed relative to your home directory. - default file name if not set is ".macros". Original MACROS readme file follows: (fmg 8/22/97: update e-mail) E-mail: filipg@paranoia.com (best) fmgst+@pitt.edu (so so) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Intro: This patch should have patched all the files, created this file, and modified the Makefile (added a -DWANT_FKEYS to FLAGS and some extra documentation lines). Colors: These patches will allow you to modify the [ghastly] default screen colors. These changes will be saved to either the system or private config files. Here's a copy of my screen: +=================[Screen and keyboard]=================+ | | +=| A - Command key is : ^A | | | B - Backspace key sends : BS | | | C - Macros file : /home/fmg/.macros | | | D - Edit Macros | | | E - Status line is : enabled | | | F - Foreground Color (menu): YELLOW | | | G - Background Color (menu): BLUE | | | H - Foreground Color (term): CYAN | | | I - Background Color (term): BLACK | +=| J - Foreground Color (stat): RED | | K - Background Color (stat): BLACK | | | | Change which setting? (Esc to exit) | | | +=======================================================+ Hitting letters F thru K will cycle that entry thru all the available colors. Note that crude sanity checks are employed so you can't set the menu or terminal foreground == background. It just won't let you. You can do that for the status line since it's just another way to shut it off :-) Oh, one more thing: cycling the terminal & menu colors will only change the color name (ie. the physical screen will not change colors). The Status bar, OTOH, does cycle with the key presses. Go figure ;-) Macros: In the first version of macros for minicom, they were also saved to the regular config files. A few weeks ago I ran into a situation where I needed macros of more than the maximum 64 characters and reworked them to take up to 256 bytes (this value is arbitrary - make it 4K if you like - I do :-) bytes. Note that these mods use set length strings so they take up space if you use them or not. I will make them dynamic for next version of minicom, just for fun ;-) For now, the length of macros may be specified at compile time in the Makefile with -DMAC_LEN=nnnn (bytes). It's set to 256 bytes by default. There was a big kludge necessary in the window.c file because the window line editing functions uses a set buffer of 256 bytes. You definitely don't want to see how I got around that ;-) I also made a small modification to wgets function which moves the cursor to the end of the line when called (useful for editing macros longer than the width of the window). BTW, I tested it with 4096 byte macros... works just fine. However, most editors will choke on lines that long... Config file & Macros: Since they are separate, and I didn't want to interfere with people using config files with other versions of minicom, the macros are saved to a file of your choice. Just run minicom, press C-A O, Screen and keyboard, C, and enter something like: /usr/home/filip/.macros (and pray that your full path is less than 64 characters :-) After you specify the macros file, do the above but hit D (Edit Macros) and you will get a new window with 10 numbered lines. Just select using 1 thru A and remember: ^ + M = CONTROL-M (\n) ^ + L = CONTROL-L (\f) ^ + G = CONTROL-G (\b aka bell) ^ + R = CONTROL-R (\r) ^ + ~ = 1 second sleep() call (useful in login sequences) ^ + ^ = ^ (This is included at the bottom of the edit screen - see below) There are some bugs if you try to fool it with, say, ^^^M, but I plan to fix that RSN. Examples? Here's a sample screen: +===========================[F1 to F10 Macros]============================+ | | | 1 : telnet alpha.med.pitt.edu^M^~filip^M | | 2 : telnet beta.med.pitt.edu^M^~fmg^M | | 3 : stty rows 39^M^~stty columns 100^M | | 4 : | | 5 : anonymous^M | | 6 : -filip@alpha.med.pitt.edu^M | | 7 : /js/tmp/k/ | | 8 : ftp sunsite.unc.edu^M^~^~anonymous^M^~-filip@alpha.med.pitt.edu^M^~ | | 9 : | | A : atdt6215954^M | | | | Change which setting? (Esc to exit) | | | | (LEGEND: ^M = C-M, ^L = C-L, ^G = C-G, ^R = C-R, ^~ = pause 1 second) | +=========================================================================+ +=======================================================+ (The "A" stands for F10 because I wanted to keep things to single key presses...) Note that macro #8 is actually longer than that: ftp sunsite.unc.edu^M^~^~anonymous^M^~-filip@alpha.med.pitt.edu^M^~\ cd pub/Linux^M^~dir^M +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |* DANGER * DANGER * DANGER * DANGER * DANGER * DANGER * DANGER * DANGER *| | | | Be *VERY* careful with passwords!!! minicom just creates the file, | | it's *YOUR* responsibility to set the protections! Better yet, | | *NEVER* store passwords (just type them in) | | | |* DANGER * DANGER * DANGER * DANGER * DANGER * DANGER * DANGER * DANGER *| +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ The macros are store in ASCII format. I find it useful to edit macros with a good editor (like vi :-) and, since I run selection, I can just cut&paste complicated stuff right in, etc. (but see the note above on high MAC_LENs) Saving: Be sure to "Save setup as dfl" from the top menu. At this point, you will also find out if the macros filename you specified was good or if you'll have to change it. If name is not set and you change macros and you go to save, minicom will warn you of this fact (but it won't save you butt and save to a temporary file :-) If you change any macros, don't explicily save them, and later try to exit, you will be given a second chance to do so. If, for some reason, the macros filename is incorrect or missing and you try to exit and save macros, you will be given a chance to go back and set/reset the filename. The nice thing about keeping the macros filename in the standard config file is that you can have different macro files with different config files (see the -c argument to minicom) or you may have the same macro file with ALL your config files :-) Bugs: None. I also have a bridge for sale. Call me. If you find something that's screwy with colors & macros, please send me e-mail. Please be descriptive or, better yet, include a fix :-) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- // fmg 2/20/93 - Added color selection to Screen & Keyboard menu ---------------- // fmg 2/15/94 - Added macro filename & Macro define selection to Screen & Keyboard menu. Added window for macro definition. ---------------- // fmg 3/1/94 - Modified the man page source to indicate changes.