minicom TODO list ----------------- important: * update/complete existing translations, see also * fix documentation for new -7 switch and the new semantics of -l and -L normal: * Make "vt_docap = 2" (1:1 capture) accessible to the user. * Mention (prominently) that running minicom as root is not necessary and discouraged. * sync AUTHORS with man/minicom.1 * merge ChangeLog with */ChangeLog* * fix Debian BTS bugs * documentation cleanup * minicom homepage * src/dial.c: dhili(): split menu string so that translators can translate it without headaches * when showing errors also consider showing errno if available/appropriate * move .minirc* and .macros to .config/minicom/... * .macros too wishlist: * incorporate outstanding patches from debian/patches * make minicom.1 an .in file using @sysconfdir@ etc. * src/rwconf.c: detect paths to [sr][zbx],kermit via configuration * enhanced protocol between target and minicom * compressed transmit * transmit speed in statusline * multi-channel * optionally more status lines * add remote control interface * would allow to inject text/command sequences via minicom-ctrl (or similar), e.g. make someimage && minicom-ctrl --xyz thisone "tftpboot ..." * embed lua * eventually replace script language? * add filter/trigger/whatever via plugged-in lua scriptlets