A Todo list by jseymour@jimsun.LinxNet.com, some things removed as they have been dealt with.. Things yet To Do with file selector code - in no particular order . Clean up & mild re-structuring of "file.c" - it's kind of sloppy at the moment. (Too many file-global static vars, etc.) . After tagging, untagging, etc., selector should reset sub-menu to "Okay" selection (?). (Requires re-write of "dhili()" to do this well.) . Maybe display count of selected files on title bar? . On (wildcard) tag: if no tagged file(s) would be in current window, re-display so that first tagged is shown? . After wildcard tag: briefly display count of newly tagged and total tagged? . On "Untag": if no tagged files, display "nothing to untag"? . Do a check for directory/file write-ability and warn the user, if necessary, for certain operations? (I.e.: downloads.) . I have concerns about certain line-lengths and buffer sizes: . The buffer-full of filenames returned by filedir(): this somehow needs to be length-limited to the max buffer-len that the system can handle. If the number tagged would exceed this, a warning pop-up should show. . I don't know how scripts are used, but perhaps the selector could be enhanced to work for selecting these, as well?