""" ldifwriter - using ldap.async module for retrieving partial results in a list even though the exception ldap.SIZELIMIT_EXCEEDED was raised.output of LDIF stream Written by Michael Stroeder This example translates the naming context of data read from input, sanitizes some attributes, maps/removes object classes, maps/removes attributes., etc. It's far from being complete though. """ import sys,ldap,ldap.async s = ldap.async.List( ldap.initialize('ldap://localhost:1390'), ) s.startSearch( 'dc=stroeder,dc=de', ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, '(objectClass=*)', ) try: partial = s.processResults() except ldap.SIZELIMIT_EXCEEDED: sys.stderr.write('Warning: Server-side size limit exceeded.\n') else: if partial: sys.stderr.write('Warning: Only partial results received.\n') sys.stderr.write( '%d results received.\n' % ( len(s.allResults) ) )