v5.15.10 10th October 2023 - Added the missing QEvent.Type.NativeGesture member (Qt v5.2 and later). - Added the missing QEvent.Type.EnterEditFocus and QEvent.Type.LeaveEditFocus members. - PyQt5-sip v12.13 is now required for Python v3.12 support. - Bug fixes. v5.15.9 31st January 2023 - Bug fixes. v5.15.8 22nd January 2023 - Added the missing QLocale.Language.NigerianPidgin member (Qt v5.15.2 and later). - Added the missing QOperatingSystemVersion.MacOSBigSure attribute (Qt v5.15.1 and later). - Added the missing QThreadPool.contains() method (Qt v5.15.1 and later). - Added the missing QBluetoothDeviceDiscoveryAgent.DiscoveryMethod members. - Bug fixes. v5.15.7 6th June 2022 - Refactored the draw methods of QPainter to accept sip.array objects of appropriate types. Such arrays, once initialised, can be used very efficiently as they do not require repeated conversion from the usual Python collection types. - Added the missing QBluetoothUuid constructors. - PyQt5-sip v12.11 is now required to enable support for sip.array. - Bug fixes. v5.15.6 24th October 2021 - Bug fixes. v5.15.5 7th October 2021 - Added the missing QPdfWriter.setPageSize() overload. - pylupdate5 now assumes that the default codec is UTF-8 and specified v2.1 as the .ts file format. - Bug fixes. v5.15.4 5th March 2021 - Packaging bug fixes. v5.15.3 23rd February 2021 - Added the missing QImage.setAlphaChannel(). - Support for the QtNetworkAuth library has been moved to a separate PyQtNetworkAuth package. - Wheels now assume that the corresponding Qt libraries are in an external wheel rather than being bundled. - Bug fixes. v5.15.2 23rd November 2020 - Bound signals are now hashable. - The QT_MAC_WANTS_LAYER environment variable is automatically set on macOS. v5.15.1 12th September 2020 - Added the QtTextToSpeech module. - None is now interpreted as a null QJsonValue. - Bound signals can now be compared for equality. - Q_CLASSINFO, Q_ENUM, Q_ENUMS, Q_FLAG and Q_FLAGS are not implemented when using PyPy. v5.15.0 1st June 2020 - Added support for Qt v5.15.0. - Added the QtQuick3D module. - Added a callStaticMethod() overload to QAndroidJniObject that takes a QJsonDocument as the method argument and returns another QJsonDocument. - Added the missing QMultimedia control classes. - pyuic5 now supports QUndoView. v5.14.2 3rd April 2020 - Added the missing QTextCodec.convertFromUnicode(). - Added the OpenGL ES bindings. - Added QFlags.__index__(). v5.14.1 6th January 2020 - This is a bug-fix release. v5.14.0 18th December 2019 - Added support for Qt v5.14.0. v5.13.2 3rd November 2019 - Added the missing pos() and setPos() overloads to QCursor. - A QVariant for a pointer to an unknown type will now be converted to a SIP voidptr. - Added support for QKeySequenceEdit to pyuic5. - Added support for SIP v5. v5.13.1 14th September 2019 - Added the (temporary) pyqt5_enable_new_onexit_scheme() to allow experimentation with the new on-exit clean-up scheme. - Added the missing QObject.disconnect(QMetaObject.Connection) overload. - Deprecated PYQT_CONFIGURATION. - SIP v4.19.19 is required. v5.13.0 5th July 2019 - Added support for Qt v5.13.0. v5.12.3 26th June 2019 - Added support for Qt v5.12.4. - Added support for Python v3.8. - QCoreApplication (and sub-classes) can be used as a context manager. - Added the missing WA_ContentsMarginsRespectsSafeArea enum member. v5.12.2 6th May 2019 - Added support for Qt v5.12.3. - Added QOpenGLContext.getProcAddress(). - Added support for Python fstrings to pylupdate. v5.12.1 19th March 2019 - Added support for Qt v5.12.2. v5.12 10th February 2019 - Added support for Qt v5.12.0 and Qt v5.12.1. - Added the QtRemoteObjects module. - Added the remote objects examples. - Added the missing QLoggingCategory class. - The QtWebEngine, QtWebEngineCore and QtWebEngineWidgets modules have been moved to a separate PyQtWebEngine package. This is a packaging change only and does not affect applications. - Overflow checking when converting Python int object to C/C++ integer types is now enabled by default. - SIP v4.19.14 is required. v5.11.3 1st October 2018 - Added support for Qt v5.11.2. - Added the missing qInfo(). - QRandomGenerator.global() is renamed to global_(). v5.11.2 2nd July 2018 - Added the 'signatures' attribute to unbound signals. - SIP v4.19.11 is required. v5.11.1 24th June 2018 - A pseudo-release to create a version number for updated wheels. v5.11 23rd June 2018 - Added support for Qt v5.11.0 and v5.11.1. - Enum members are also visible as attributes of the enum in order to emulate the behaviour of Python enums. The traditional use, where a member is visible at the same scope as the enum, is deprecated but will be supported throughout the life of PyQt5. - Versions of Python earlier than v3.4 require the enum34 package to be installed from PyPI. - The connect() method of a bound signal now returns a QMetaObject.Connection object that can be passed to the disconnect() method. - Added QtCore.Q_ENUM() and QtCore.Q_FLAG(). - Python enums can now be used with Q_ENUM() etc. - Added the missing QGuiApplication.inputMethod() method. - Added the missing QGuiApplication.styleHints() method. - Added the missing QSqlQuery.exec() overload for Python v3. - Added glReadPixels(). - A PEP 376 .dist-info directory is created on installation that provides version information for dependent packages and allows pip to uninstall. - Added the --no-dist-info option to configure.py. - Added support for Python v3.7. v5.10.1 26th February 2018 - Added support for Qt v5.10.1. - Added the missing qmlClearTypeRegistrations() to the QtQml module. - Added the --disable-feature option to configure.py. v5.10 23rd January 2018 - Added support for Qt v5.10.0. - Added the QtNetworkAuth module. v5.9.2 23rd November 2017 - Added support for Qt v5.9.3. - Added the QtAndroidExtras module. v5.9.1 1st November 2017 - Added support for Qt v5.9.2. - Added the --allow-sip-warnings option to configure.py. - Removed the unimplemented -name option to pyrcc5. - SIP v4.19.4 is required. v5.9 3rd July 2017 - Added support for Qt v5.9.0 and v5.9.1. - Improved detection of the destruction of QObject-based instances by C++. - QFlags instances are now hashable. - pyrcc5 now supports v2 of the resource file format. - Added the interview.py, frozencolumn.py and storageview.py examples from Hans-Peter Jansen. - SIP v4.19.3 is required. v5.8.2 30th March 2017 - This is a bug-fix release. v5.8.1 7th March 2017 - This is a bug-fix release. v5.8 15th February 2017 - Added support for Qt v5.8.0. - Added __fspath__() to QFileInfo. - Added the --qml-debug option to configure.py. The --debug option no longer enables the QML debugging infrastructure. - Added the --link-full-dll option to configure.py. - SIP v4.19.1 is required. v5.7.1 25th December 2016 - Added support for Qt v5.7.1. - Added the QtWebEngine module. - Added QRegion.setRects(). - Added QtMac to the QtMacExtras module. - Added pyuic5 plugins for QChartView and QWebEngineView. - The Python v3.4 limited API is used. - SIP v4.19 is required. v5.7 25th July 2016 - Added support for Qt v5.7.0. v5.6 24th April 2016 - Added full support for Qt v5.6.0. - Python v3.5 wheels are available for 64-bit Linux, 64-bit OS X and 32 and 64-bit Windows. (After this release Windows .exe installers will no longer be produced.) - Added the QtWebEngineCore module. - Added the missing qt_set_sequence_auto_mnemonic() to QtGui. - Added the missing MouseLock to QWebEnginePage.Feature. - Added the missing WA_DontShowOnScreen. - PEP 484 stub files are installed by default. - Added the --import-from command line argument to pyuic5. - Added the --no-stubs and --stubsdir options to configure.py. - Added the --qtconf-prefix option to configure.py. v5.5.1 25th October 2015 - Added support for Qt v5.5.1. - Added the --disable option to configure.py. - Implemented __matmul__ and __imatmul__ for QMatrix4x4 and QTransform. v5.5 17th July 2015 - Added full support for Qt v5.5.0. - Added the QtLocation module. - Added the QtNfc module. - Added Qt.NoOpaqueDetection amd Qt.NoFormatConversion to QtCore. - Added QMacToolBar and QMacToolBarItem to QtMacExtras. - Added QProxyStyle to QtWidgets. v5.4.2 11th June 2015 - Added support for Qt v5.4.2. - Added QWIDGETSIZE_MAX to QtWidgets. - Added the --no-python-dbus command line option to configure.py. v5.4.1 26th February 2015 - Added support for Qt v5.4.1. - Added the QMacCocoaViewContainer class. - All OpenGL examples use QOpenGLWidget and no longer require PyOpenGL. - Added initial implementations of _QOpenGLFunctions_2_1 and _QOpenGLFunctions_4_1_Core. - QEvent.None is now QEvent.None_. - Added missing QEvent.Type members that are now documented in Qt. - Added the --license-dir option to configure.py. - Installing into a virtual env should now work. - pyuic5 and pyrcc5 no longer include a timestamp in the generated code. v5.4 25th December 2014 - Added full support for Qt v5.4.0. - Added the QtWebChannel module. - Added the QtWebEngineWidgets module. - Added the QtXml module. v5.3.2 11th September 2014 - Added the Enginio module. - Added the QJsonDocument and QJsonValue classes. - QJsonObject is implemented as a Python dict. - QJsonArray is implemented as a Python list. - Added setUnifiedTitleAndToolBarOnMac() and unifiedTitleAndToolBarOnMac() to QWidget. - Added windowHandle() to QWidget. v5.3.1 4th July 2014 - Added support for Qt v5.3.1. - Added the -tr-function and -translate-function command line options to pylupdate5. v5.3 26th May 2014 - By default a Python slot is only invoked if the underlying C++ instance still exists. - Added the no_receiver_check argument to connect(). - Added support for Qt v5.3.0. - Added the QtQuickWidgets module. - Added the QtWebSockets module. - Added the --target-py-version, --sysroot and --no-tools option to configure.py. - Cross-compilation (specifically to iOS and Android) is now supported. v5.2.1 14th March 2014 - Added full support for Qt v5.2.1. - Properties, signals and slots can now be defined in mixins (i.e. non-QObject classes). - Added support for creating QSGGeometry.AttributeSet instances. - A fundamental value may now be given whenever a QJSValue is expected. - Building PyQt5 as static libraries now works. - Added support for building without OpenGL. v5.2 8th January 2014 - Added full support for Qt v5.2. - Added the QtBluetooth module. - Added the QtPositioning module. - Added the QtMacExtras module. - Added the QtWinExtras module. - Added the QtX11Extras module. - Improved the conversion of Python objects to Qt collection types (e.g. QList, QSet). Iterators (rather than just sequences) are accepted and failed conversions now raise much more informative exceptions. - QtCore.Q_ENUMS() and QtCore.Q_FLAGS() now populate the meta-object. - The QML debugger is automatically enabled when --debug is passed to configure.py. v5.1.1 16th October 2013 - This is a bug-fix release. v5.1 2nd October 2013 - Added full support for Qt v5.1. - Added the QtSensors module. - Added the QtSerialPort module. - A (nearly) complete set of OpenGL v2.0 and OpenGL ES/2 bindings are included. - Cross-compilation is now supported. A configuration file for Python3 on the Raspberry Pi is included. v5.0.1 21st August 2013 - Added the QtQuick module including the ability to create Python Quick items from QML. - Added the QtQml module including the ability to create Python objects from QML. - Added the QtMultimediaWidgets module. - Completed the implementation of the QtMultimedia module including support for cameras and radios. - Added the remaining OpenGL classes to the QtGui module. - Added the 'revision' keyword argument to pyqtProperty(). - Added the 'revision' and 'arguments' keyword arguments to pyqtSignal(). - Added the 'revision' keyword argument to pyqtSlot(). - Added the 'pyqt5qmlplugin' plugin for qmlscene. - The DBus main loop module has been renamed to dbus.mainloop.pyqt5 from dbus.mainloop.qt. - Added the --no-qml-plugin and --qml-plugindir options to configure.py. - Added many QtMultimedia, QML and QtQuick related examples. - Classes now support co-operative multi-inheritance. (This may introduce incompatibilities with PyQt v5.0.) v5.0 16th June 2013 - The first release of PyQt5.