### This is now deprecated. Please see the RCS log for ssmtp.c etc for ### ### upto date change information ### Thu Feb 24 09:19:51 EST 2000 Hugo Haas - Fixed stripFromLine() which was generating wrong From: line (Debian bug #58863). Sun Feb 20 22:35:36 EST 2000 Hugo Haas - stripFromLine() now supports addresses like "hugo@debian.org (Hugo Haas)" Sat Feb 5 15:07:47 EST 2000 Hugo Haas - Applied patch from Tony Finch for Sendmail's -f option. - Added a WARNING file. Sun Jan 16 13:47:46 EST 2000 Hugo Haas - Applied patch by Michael Luxton adding per-user mailhub specification to reverse alias feature Sun Dec 5 14:19:57 EST 1999 Hugo Haas - Applied patch by Andreas Trottmann preventing buffer overflows. August 1999 Grant Edwards - Added support for plaintext (base64) login authorization options -au Username -ap Password will cause ssmtp to attempt to login to the ESMTP server. Only tested w/ MS-Exchange server. June 1999 Hugo Haas - Added parseaddr correctly parsing RFC822 addresses, written by Miquel van Smoorenburg (Debian Bug #38795). March 1999 Hugo Haas - Added patch by Joel Rosdahl adding FromLineOverride January 1999 Hugo Haas - Corrected (again) options parsing mechanism: -R option is now ignored correctly October 1998 Hugo Haas - Corrected option parsing mechanism - Added support for the '-f', '-F' and '-r' options June 1998 Hugo Haas - Using macros for the configuration and reverse aliases files June 1998 Hugo Haas - Cleanup of the source - Options can now be specified using a single block (Debian Bug#22691) - Wrote stripFromLine() options April 1998 Hugo Haas - Made 'Root' option work (Debian Bug#21335) - Handled the case when the user has no name (do not send "(null)") April 1998 Hugo Haas - Now ignoring -R keyword, -N dsn stuff April 1998 Hugo Haas - Removed awful getDate() method; replaced by get_arpadate() April 1998 Hugo Haas - Removed quote in the From: line March 1998 Hugo Haas - Moved the configuration files to /etc/ssmtp March 1998 Hugo Haas - No more adding "To: postmaster" (qmail and sendmail do this) - Improved "-f", "-F" and "-r" options January 1998 Hugo Haas - Changed the configuration parsing (Debian Bug#17470) - Changed the logging: verbosity reduced January 1998 Hugo Haas - Changed the header parsing because it gobbled pseudo-header lines (Debian Bug#17240) - Changed the RewriteDomain option December 1997 Hugo Haas - Changed the MAIL FROM command to be RFC821 compliant (Debian Bug#15690) - Modified the recordReciepient function: no memory was allocated for the last recipient - Added the sending of the recorded recipients (Debian Bug#15690) The old way to do it was wrong. (Removed the argv=reciepients stuff) November 1997 Hugo Haas - Changed the RCPT stuff which was wrong for arguments with "<>" October 1997 Hugo Haas - Added the reverse aliases process for the From: field - Send the required headers at the beginning - Send only one recipient at a time - Changed the header parsing to avoid a bug due to mailx September 1997 Christoph Lameter - Fixed up to use more modern C (attempt to fix problems) - Fixed scores of bugs (I doubt it ever worked before) - Made it work under Debian/Linux - Add support for -t option. Limit header to 4K.