To install ssmtp: ----------------- Check the options and directories in Makfile. Then type: make and finally install the files: make install or to install it as the main Mail Transport Agent make install-sendmail -- Hugo Fedora Core 1 system install: ----------------------------- I would actually just suggest the INSTALL from automake. But: If you are building sSMPT from scratch the following steps worked on a Fedora Core 1 system. To install it in the /usr/local directory: ./configure make make install Then edit the ssmpt.conf file /usr/local/etc and create a symbolic link from where your system thinks the sendmail binary goes to the /usr/local/sbin/ssmpt executable. -- Sven Heinicke Information about the options: ------------------------------ To install this program, you compile it with the correct options and copy the binary. If you have more than one community which uses a given binary, there is a small (3 line) config file that allows setting variables that aren't static. These three are root: The person who gets root's mail (also daemons', etc). This userid (on the mailhub) get all mail sent to local adressees with userids less than 10. In other words, she gets mail the system mails to root, daemon, etc. mailhub: The place where the mail goes. This is looked up with gethostbyname, and so must resolve to an IP address. MX records don't count, as several vendors' machines that we run ssmtp on (notably suns) don't fully support them. They'd be nice, though... rewriteDomain: The place to say the mail came from. This is for hostname-hiding, and only applies if the programs is compiled with REWRITE_DOMAIN defined. We don't usually have to do so (our main mailhubs run zmailer: our clients run all sorts of junk). hostname: the Fully Qualified Domain Name of the machine, in case you have set hostname to the short form. The full set of options are discussed in the makefile, and briefly are the type of machine to compile for, the place to send the mail and the domain to rewrite to, if applicable. To make multiple versions I use symlink-trees and scripts that passes options to the make command, then renames the binaries to things like ssmtp.S4C-SunOS4.1.1... I also can make DEC-style setld kits. -- dave