Tobias Rundstrom supplied a patch to ssmtp to enable secure mailtransfer between your local (ssmtp) machine and the mailhub. It also supports authentication with RSA keys, to enable you to (if you patch the MTA on the mailhub) have RSA key checks on all relay mails. He wanted this so that he could have the same SMTP server on his laptop even when he moved around on different networks. As he said - "I could have used postfix as I did on my mailhub, but that was overkill, so I patched the smallest program there was :)" information about smtp over ssl for postfix is avalible at: How to use this: I had to add the following config directives: UseTLS=YES/NO Set this to yes and ssmtp will try to connect with SSL to the remote machine. UseSTARTTLS=YES/NO Do a EHLO/STARTTLS before starting the SSL negotiation (see UseTLSCert=YES/NO Set this to yes to make ssmtp identify itself with a certificate. TLSCert= Specify which certificate file should be used. TLSKey= Specify which key file should be used (can be the same as the certificate file). TLS_CA_File= Optional file of trusted certificates for validating the server. TLS_CA_Dir= Optional directory of trusted certificates for validating the server.