Developers Information Mailing List There is currently no mailing lists available for this project. However, if you want to participate in conversations, bugs, ask questions related to the project. You are welcome to send emails to the Service Helpdesk: All questions asked will be available here: Bugs: View the list of open issues at Patches Contributions are easiest made by forking sstp-client and creating a merge request on See CONTRIBUTING for additional requirements on getting your contribution accepted. Developers have permission (and encouragement) to adjust more than the file that they are submitting. Other files that may be adjusted are: ChangeLog documentation of changes at the code level. NEWS a history of changes as far as an end user is concerned. AUTHORS a list of people who want credit for contributions. TODO a list of things yet to be done. See section two of Eric Raymond's Software Release Practice HOWTO for some useful information on good patching practice.