CODING STYLE ============ - Please follow the coding style already used (which is close to the GNU style) - if adding new files please include the following mode line for emacs and other editors: -*- mode: C; c-file-style: "gnu"; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*- - Spaces, not tabs, are used. - All external interfaces (network protocols, file formats, etc.) should be documented in man pages or other documentation. SOURCE CONTROL ============== Anonymous checkouts: $ git clone MAKING RELEASES =============== Checklist for making a release: - Update the NEWS file - Update the AUTHORS file if we have any new authors since last release. The git command `git shortlog -se` helps. - Check that everything works - Run 'make check' and 'make ci' - Check that you have no uncommitted or unpushed changes - Check there are no glaring TODO or FIXME - Sanity-check all new API - Ensure newly added API is marked properly with "Since: X.Y" - Ensure that deprecated API is marked as such - Tag the release: git tag udisks-X.Y.Z - Post-release actions: - Bump the version in and packaging/udisks2.spec - Prepare NEWS file - append " (unreleased)" to version number - Commit message: Post-release version bump to X.Y.Z - Upload new documentation to website - - Create new folder X.Y.Z in "doc/udisks2-api/" and update the "latest" symlink - Add link to the new version to "doc/udisks2-api/index.html" When doing the first micro release in a new minor series (for example starting the 2.0.0, 2.1.0, 2.2.0 etc. series), do the following - Update the date in man pages to "$MONTH $YEAR" e.g. "October 2012" - At some point after the release, create the udisks-X-Y branch - Perform the post-release actions above on the created branch - This is for maintenance releases - Do this when focus is on new feature development - Then bump version on master to X.Y.90 (prereleases for X.Y+1.0) - Add "Index of new symbols in X.Y+1" index to doc/udisks2-docs.xml For maintenance releases, the rules are simple - Work on the udisks-X-Y branch - If possible, cherry-pick fixes from master ('git cherry-pick') - Do not add (or backport) any new API or features - Do not add, remove or change any translatable strings - Do not add new dependencies TRANSLATIONS ============ - Don't use VPATH build (To be fixed) - Check that Github -> Damned Lies synchronization works and that new strings show up on the l10n module page: - Check that recent commits to the po/ directory done by the GNOME Infrastructure Automation Bot (@gnomesysadmins) reflect the translation status on the l10n page COMMITTING CODE =============== - Commit messages should be of the form (the five lines between the lines starting with ===) === begin example commit === Short explanation of the commit Longer explanation explaining exactly what's changed, whether any external or private interfaces changed, what bugs were fixed (with bug tracker reference if applicable) and so forth. Be concise but not too brief. === end example commit === - Always add a brief description of the commit to the _first_ line of the commit and terminate by two newlines (it will work without the second newline, but that is not nice for the interfaces). - First line (the brief description) must only be one sentence and must start with a capital letter. Don't use a trailing period. - The main description (the body) is normal prose and should use normal punctuation and capital letters where appropriate. Normally, for patches sent to a mailing list it's copied from there. - When committing code on behalf of others use the --author option, e.g. git commit -a --author "Joe Coder "