Characterization of Salmonella
subspecies I genovars using microarrays
S. Porwollik, E. F. Boyd, C. Choy, P. Cheng, L. Florea, E. Proctor, and
M. McClelland*
Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center, 10835 Altman Row, San Diego, CA 92103
* for correspondence: phone +1 858 450 5990 x 280, fax +1 858 550 3998,
Journal of Bacteriology (2004) 186: (in press)
Text of manuscript (pdf)
Supplement A. Presence and absence of
Salmonella enterica ORFs in 79 S.
enterica subspecies I isolates, S. enterica ssp IIIb, and S. bongori.
Status predictions are as follows: 0, absent; 1, uncertain; 2, present;
?, low signal. Predictions were established as described in Materials
and Methods. ORFs include genes encoded on the S. enterica sv
Typhimurium LT2 (STM) genome, coding sequences present on the STM
virulence plasmid pSLT, genes located on pKM101, a derivative of
plasmid R46 present in the Typhimurium Ames strains, and Typhi-specific
ORFs encoded on the Typhi CT18 (STY) genome.
Supplement B. Numerical relationship
matrix of Salmonella isolates. The
number of chromosomal Typhimurium LT2 and Typhi CT18 regions (at least
two contiguous genes) exhibiting converse status prediction is shown
for all investigated strains against each other. Phage regions were
excluded from the calculation.