DEVELOPER INFO -------------- phpPgAdmin is Open Source, so you're invited to contribute to it. Many great features have been written by other people and you too can help to make phpPgAdmin a useful tool. phpPgAdmin 3.0 has its roots in the phpPgAdmin 2.4 software. A complete rewrite was necessary to support PostgreSQL 7.3 and to address problems in the phpPgAdmin 2.4 codebase. If you're planning to contribute source, please read the following information: The following method is preferred for new developers: - fetch the current CVS tree over anonymous CVS: cvs login [Password: ] simply press the Enter key! cvs -z3 co -d phpPgAdmin webdb [This will create a new sub-directory named phpPgAdmin] - Add your stuff - Send us the file(s) you've modified or send us a patch (preferred). To generate a patch, do this in your 'phpPgAdmin' directory: cvs diff -c > file.txt Then, just send us the file.txt Please note submitting code is considered a transfer of copyright to the phpPgAdmin project. Only project developers can access the CVS tree via ssh and SSH1 must be installed on your client machine. export CVS_RSH=ssh login once with ssh to to create required user directories on the server. cvs -z3 co -d phpPgAdmin webdb Write access to the CVS tree is granted only to developers who have already contributed something useful to phpPgAdmin. If you're interested in that, please contact us. TIPS FOR DEVELOPERS ------------------- When you submit code to phpPgAdmin, we do expect it to adhere to the existing coding standards in the source. So, instead of using your personal favourite code layout style, please format it to look like surrounding code. Test your code properly! Say you are developing a feature to create domains. Try naming your domain all of the following: * " * ' * \ * words with spaces *

If you are adding a new class function, be sure to use the "clean", "fieldClean", "arrayClean" and "fieldArrayClean" functions to properly escape odd characters in user input. Examine existing functions that do similar things to yours to get yours right. When writing data to the display, you should always urlencode() variables in HREFs and htmlspecialchars() variables in forms. COMMON VARIABLES ---------------- $data - A data connection to the current or default database. $misc - Contains miscellaneous functions. eg. printing headers and footers, etc. $lang - Global array containing translated strings. The strings in this array have already been converted to HTML, so you should not htmlspecialchars() them. $conf - Global array of configuration options. WORKING WITH RECORDSETS ----------------------- phpPgAdmin uses the ADODB database library for all its database access. We have also written our own wrapper around the ADODB library to make it more object oriented (ADODB_base.pclass). This is the general form for looping over a recordset: $rs = &$class->getResults(); if (is_object($rs) && $rs->recordCount() > 0) { while (!$rs->EOF) { echo $rs->f['field']; $rs->moveNext(); } } else echo "No results.";