href = ''; if (isset($_REQUEST['database'])) { $this->href .= 'database=' . urlencode($_REQUEST['database']); if (isset($_REQUEST['schema'])) $this->href .= '&schema=' . urlencode($_REQUEST['schema']); } } /** * Sets the form tracking variable */ function setForm() { $this->form = ''; if (isset($_REQUEST['database'])) { $this->form .= "\n"; if (isset($_REQUEST['schema'])) $this->form .= "\n"; } } /** * Replace all spaces with   in a string * @param $str The string to change * @param $shownull True to show NULLs, false otherwise * @param $type Field type if available, other NULL * @return The string with replacements */ function printVal($str, $shownull = false, $type = null) { global $lang; // If the string contains at least one instance of >1 space in a row, a tab character, a // space at the start of a line, or a space at the start of the whole string then // substitute all spaces for  s if ($str === null && $shownull) return 'NULL'; else { switch ($type) { case 'int2': case 'int4': case 'int8': case 'float4': case 'float8': case 'money': case 'numeric': case 'oid': case 'xid': case 'cid': case 'tid': return "
" . nl2br(htmlspecialchars($str)) . "
"; break; case 'bool': case 'boolean': if ($str == 't') return $lang['strtrue']; elseif ($str == 'f') return $lang['strfalse']; else return nl2br(htmlspecialchars($str)); break; case 'bytea': // addCSlashes converts all weird ASCII characters to octal representation, // EXCEPT the 'special' ones like \r \n \t, etc. return htmlspecialchars(addCSlashes($str, "\0..\37\177..\377")); break; default: if (strstr($str, ' ') || strstr($str, "\t") || strstr($str, "\n ") || ereg('^[ ]', $str)) { $str = str_replace(' ', ' ', htmlspecialchars($str)); // Replace tabs with 8 spaces $str = str_replace("\t", '        ', $str); return nl2br($str); } else return nl2br(htmlspecialchars($str)); } } } /** * A function to recursively strip slashes. Used to * enforce magic_quotes_gpc being off. * @param &var The variable to strip */ function stripVar(&$var) { if (is_array($var)) { foreach($var as $k => $v) { $this->stripVar($var[$k]); } } else $var = stripslashes($var); } /** * Print out a message * @param $msg The message to print */ function printMsg($msg) { if ($msg != '') echo "


\n"; } /** * Creates a database accessor */ function &getDatabaseAccessor($database) { global $conf; // Create the connection object and make the connection $_connection = new Connection( $conf['servers'][$_SESSION['webdbServerID']]['host'], $conf['servers'][$_SESSION['webdbServerID']]['port'], $_SESSION['webdbUsername'], $_SESSION['webdbPassword'], $database ); // Get the name of the database driver we need to use. The description // of the server is returned and placed into the conf array. $_type = $_connection->getDriver($desc); // XXX: NEED TO CHECK RETURN STATUS HERE // Create a database wrapper class for easy manipulation of the // connection. include_once('./classes/database/' . $_type . '.php'); $data = &new $_type($_connection->conn); return $data; } /** * Prints the page header. If global variable $_no_output is * set then no header is drawn. * @param $title The title of the page * @param $script script tag */ function printHeader($title = '', $script = null) { global $appName, $lang, $_no_output, $conf; if (!isset($_no_output)) { // Send XHTML headers, or regular HTML headers if (isset($conf['use_xhtml']) && $conf['use_xhtml']) { echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; } else { echo "\n"; echo "\n"; } echo "\n"; echo "", htmlspecialchars($appName); if ($title != '') echo " - {$title}"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; // Theme echo "\n"; if ($script) echo "{$script}\n"; echo "\n"; } } /** * Prints the page footer * @param $doBody True to output body tag, false otherwise */ function printFooter($doBody = true) { global $_reload_browser, $_reload_drop_database; if ($doBody) { if (isset($_reload_browser)) $this->printReload(false); elseif (isset($_reload_drop_database)) $this->printReload(true); echo "\n"; } echo "\n"; } /** * Prints the page body. * @param $doBody True to output body tag, false otherwise * @param $bodyClass - name of body class */ function printBody($bodyClass = '', $doBody = true ) { global $_no_output; if (!isset($_no_output)) { if ($doBody) { $bodyClass = htmlspecialchars($bodyClass); echo "\n"; } } } /** * Outputs JavaScript code that will reload the browser * @param $database True if dropping a database, false otherwise */ function printReload($database) { echo "\n"; } /** * Display the navigation header for tables */ function printTableNav() { global $lang; $vars = $this->href . '&table=' . urlencode($_REQUEST['table']); echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "
\n"; } /** * Display the navigation header for tables */ function printDatabaseNav() { global $lang, $conf, $data; $vars = 'database=' . urlencode($_REQUEST['database']); echo "\n"; // Only show schemas if available if ($data->hasSchemas()) { echo "\n"; } echo "\n"; echo "\n"; if ($data->hasVariables()) { echo "\n"; } if ($data->hasProcesses()) { echo "\n"; } echo "\n"; // Only show database privs if available if (isset($data->privlist['database'])) { echo "\n"; } // Check that database dumps are enabled. if ($this->isDumpEnabled()) { echo "\n"; } echo "
\n"; } /** * Display the navigation header for popup window */ function printPopUpNav() { global $lang, $data; if (isset($_REQUEST['seldatabase'])) $url = '&seldatabase=' . urlencode($_REQUEST['seldatabase']); else $url = ''; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "
\n"; } /** * Do multi-page navigation. Displays the prev, next and page options. * @param $page the page currently viewed * @param $pages the maximum number of pages * @param $url the url to refer to with the page number inserted * @param $max_width the number of pages to make available at any one time (default = 20) */ function printPages($page, $pages, $url, $max_width = 20) { global $lang; $window = 10; if ($page < 0 || $page > $pages) return; if ($pages < 0) return; if ($max_width <= 0) return; if ($pages > 1) { echo "

\n"; if ($page != 1) { $temp = str_replace('%s', 1, $url); echo "{$lang['strfirst']}\n"; $temp = str_replace('%s', $page - 1, $url); echo "{$lang['strprev']}\n"; } if ($page <= $window) { $min_page = 1; $max_page = min(2 * $window, $pages); } elseif ($page > $window && $pages >= $page + $window) { $min_page = ($page - $window) + 1; $max_page = $page + $window; } else { $min_page = ($page - (2 * $window - ($pages - $page))) + 1; $max_page = $pages; } // Make sure min_page is always at least 1 // and max_page is never greater than $pages $min_page = max($min_page, 1); $max_page = min($max_page, $pages); for ($i = $min_page; $i <= $max_page; $i++) { $temp = str_replace('%s', $i, $url); if ($i != $page) echo "$i\n"; else echo "$i\n"; } if ($page != $pages) { $temp = str_replace('%s', $page + 1, $url); echo "{$lang['strnext']}\n"; $temp = str_replace('%s', $pages, $url); echo "{$lang['strlast']}\n"; } echo "

\n"; } } /** * Displays link to the context help.if $conf['docsdir'] is set * @param $url - last part of a document's url (relative to $conf['docsdir']) */ function printHelp($url) { global $lang, $conf; if (isset($conf['docdir'])) { echo "

"; echo $lang['strhelp']; echo "

\n"; } } /** * Outputs JavaScript to set default focus * @param $object eg. forms[0].username */ function setFocus($object) { echo "\n"; } } ?>